Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 7 - Internet Politics

Image By:SameBeckWith
The internet is becoming commonplace with businesses, individuals and also politics. Even though anyone can post nearly anything online doesn't guarantee it will stay online, especially if it breaches local laws that are governed by politics which help keep it running in an orderly sense. An example of internet politics is the censoring of websites, this censoring is usually for minors, which in Australia indicates under the age of 18 and in America under the age of 21. An example is the Gears of War video game website, at the beginning of the site it asks for verification of age which the person is expected to be truthful and this is an example of political intervention. Click Here to visit the Gears of War website. Another example is in the game Second Life, politics are also present when people deal with real estate, control the activities and the enforce the rules they developed. Even though it may seem politics are all bad with all these rules, they are very much needed especially within the above example of second life. If there was no "political" activity within the online game it would be much more prone to attacks and theft and complete chaos.

Facebook also have politics, this political hierarchy is not entirely forced by the programmers, but by the individual user.. How does facebook have politics involved? The friends system. The friends system allows the user to accept or refuse people to view your page and be your friend, this is one way to "get back" or openly say "I don't want to really know you" to another user of facebook. The person who owns the page, has the power to allow, not allow and to remove friends from the list at anytime. People also have the power to send out mass emails which can change the direction of choices by the government through petitions, whether online or to ask
The concept behind this post is that the internet is not free from politics, that they do play an important role in the internet in giving it some kind of structure it some areas.

Sign an e-petition.
Clean Feed

Respond to a professional blogger at a major news site.
Responded to on the Wednesday, 11 November 2009

What is Barak Obama up to today?
President Obama plans to speak to Americans via a prime-time address December 1 about new plans for the war in Afghanistan, which has now lasted about eight years.

Find out who your local, state and federal representatives are.
SMITH, Mrs Christine Ann, MP
Blair, Qld Neumann, Mr Shayne, Member for Blair

Look up the Queensland or Australian hansard to find the last time your local
member spoke in parliament.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009 about Year of the blood donor
Click here to see transcript

Let your local member know what you think about their last speech.
Here is confirmation of my email sent to Christine Ann Smith.

Read the lecture and the readings, pursue a couple of the topics that you find most interesting and then post your blog with your well-considered thoughts about the theory and practice of politics.
Utopia on the internet
A perfect world, a place where every person can enter this realm of peace, tranquility and everlasting bliss. This world is the internet...or was suppose to be. The internet was to be a perfect place where everything and anything is possible

What do you think of the Australian Government's plans to censor the internet (the so-called "Clean Feed")???
Clean Feed is an internet censorship policy that the Australian Federal Government want's to enforce. Do I think that clean feed is a good idea? No I don't. The government will filter information out about anything that is anti government and not allowing the people to have power. The internet has "politics" that try to filter out illegal websites to do with downloads, pornography, weapons etc. I am not politically inclined, so it is a little harder for me to decipher the true motives of the Clean Feed scheme.

What place does censorship have in a democracy?
Censorship does defiantly have it's place especially by protecting the minds of young children and those who have not developed the psychological capabilities to understand adult themes. If there was no censorship at all, than anyone anywhere could produce and put on radio and TV anything. Censorship does help keep what is available to the people by limiting information and media that may be harmful to the thinking of individuals.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 6 - Video Games

Video games are changing, growing, becoming more complex and for video game studies, more influential. Games are becoming more commonplace and more acceptable since alot of people these days have growing up with at least 1 type of gaming platform like myself, which was the original Nintendo Entertainment System and will never forget Super Mario brothers and Duck Hunt.Image by:
MnGilen. (For those interested, you can buy a magazine from your local news agency called Retro Gamer, which is all old awesome games reviewed and discussed.)Video Game systems have changed drastically in graphics where they are at a stage where people, environments and the whole game engine is starting to feel more like life, as computer technologies improve.

The changing and affect of video games has been explored by many researchers and is a type of research area in it's self. A recommended reading is Trigger Happy which the author Steven Poole describes the book as "a book about the aesthetics of video games — what they share with cinema, the history of painting, or literature; and what makes them different, in terms of form, psychology and semiotics". Click Here to download the free book. What is the difference between video games affect on our culture and the influence of movies, books, art works etc? Video games are completely interactive. They are playable as you physically control a character via a control system to do what you want him/her to do. There is obviously limitations at the moment in movement, expressions etc, but it wont be long until they are going to become so in depth and life like, nearly anything will go.

The world of games is changing, by saying this I am thinking of the online video game example Second Life. A world where you can trade, sell, chat, move, fight, love, hate and even have sex... The Second Life websites "About Second Life" page says players are able to meet people, go shopping, get settled, be creative and make money. This style of play is not really appealing to me, but it's the changing and evolving world of video games that is interesting to explore. Video game players have interacted and played with each other for a long time, from chat programs all the way now to massively multiplayer online role playing games like World Of Warcraft pictured below. Image from:World of WarCraft.

Video games are developed with technology and within technology, you can set rules, regulations that govern the players experience with the desire to create a utopia. Utopias can be created within video games, players can do as much as the developers allow them to do, which is also pushing boundaries of society. What is unacceptable in society, is starting to become susceptible in video games.The academic study of video games is usually viewed in 2 different areas, Narratology and Ludology. Naraatology is aimed at the story line of the game and Ludology is geared towards the game play elements that makes it enjoyable to the player. As games become more in depth and complicated, they will continue to affect people in a much greater way, whether for better or worse.

Reference 1
Is google making us stupid?
This journal article is a controversal one that is supporting the claim that computers are maing us stupid. It emphasizes the point by aiming at google and how easily we as people use google to find the answers for nearly everything.

Reference 2
Does the internet affect our brains?
This article states that using the internet is not just affecting our basic thingking patterns, but actually rewiring the neurons in our brain. This new connectivity is making us feel like we need to rely on the internet for answers.

Reference 3
technology free's our mind
This online article takes the step against the internet being an overpowering, neuron reconnecting piece of technology. A storng point the article makes is "In a knowledge-based society in which knowledge is free, attention becomes the valued commodity"

Reference 4
ImagineFX Magazine
I have several paper articles on the use of a digital medium to allow doors of creativity to open and flourish. There is how ever, articles and many talented artists that tell people not to rely on the computers for everything. The articles will be used as a supportive measure of the benefits of keeping traditional ways of creativity open and going strong

Reference 5
The art of Leonardo Da Vinci (book>
This is a book I own and is filled with quotes, scripts, images and artistic teachings that are as insightful and truthful as when they were first written. This book is going to support the idea of how much training, understanding that a man like himself needed to go through produce such stunning artworks. The values of understanding for your self and not letting the computer understand for you.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 5 - Virtual Philosophy

[Click to enlarge image]
The above illustration is of our 5 senses and how all these 5 travel to the brain for interpretation. This image is under creative commons so if you feel like you can use this in a lecture, book, video etc, than go right ahead! Just somewhere credit Luke guthmann, doesn't matter where.

We as humans have 5 main senses. Touch, smell, vision, taste and hearing. These senses are all interlinked in a network of nerves that send singnals to our brain for interpretation. The afferent and motor senses of the body send messages to the brain for interpretation. By using the 5 senses, we interact with our environment and the people we talk to. For example, if you give me a cup, I will use the 5 senses to understand the cup. How it feels in my hands, is there any smells, what can I see in it's form (why is it in this form?), What does the cup taste like if I was to lick it and is there any sound to it if it were tapped. Using these senses it helps me to understand and know that if it is an essential truth. This object does exist, can the person next to me see it? They most probably can, but how we understand the cup will be different. We know that it's for drinking, but drinking what? How do you hold the cup to drink the water? Is it just a piece of glass, or, a finely crafted piece of technology beautifully illustrated to hold my water. So the basic concept I am trying to get at is that all things are in fact understood and interpreted differently. To you the cup may be almost useless, but to another, it may be of such great importance that it will help to develop that individuals understanding of the subject. We are all on a journey to understand life and to learn to enjoy life, one way we can do this is by sharing and helping each other understanding the meaning of life.

We have our senses to learn with, we also have technology thats allows us to interact with our enviornment and people. For example;
- A car to travel around in the environment.
- A mobile phone to contact other people.
- A watch to tell us the time.

To add to the list which is now a necessity, is the internet. Virtual space is now where people interact and not only with each other, but also with businesses and information sources. Why do we use virtual space, is it because it seems so vastly different from life here? Is virtual space really different to our reality though. Aren't people still mean on the internet? Is there still not theft and slandering each other? How does it vary from reading a book? Arent the words still there but just on a screen? Does using the computer block out our sourroundings and get locked into a "weird" world? An interesting question to ask our selves is "what really is the internet and this virtual world?" Ss it a virtual world? Just because it's on the computer doesn't mean it's this weird and wonderful place. Or IS the internet a weird world? What is the internet to me? To me it is an information source, a way to be educated on selected subjects. Do I use the internet because I have become lazy? What's so wrong with going to the library and searching for the book? I think people here would say it's so time consuming, maybe it is, but is there anything wrong with searching? Doesn't searching persevere with patience? There is no doubt some things are just plain hard to find and if they are, we can easily search on the internet. Computers have there place and the internet also has it's place, but I think it's important not to let you be the internets place.

Here are three quotes to consider about our lives and whats make our lives interesting, invigorating and exciting.
Albert Einstein
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom his emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed

Paul Bowles
... we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more. perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless.

Martin Luther Kind Jr
An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
Quotes from

Does the internet help us achieve our lifes goals? Is virtual reality part of our life, is it worth being part of our life?

How do virtual worlds vary from programs such as MSN and other word chat programs? Using 3D worlds I find enhances the expierence of chatting with friends. Why? Because you have an avatar that can act on your behalf and is customisable and looks human which can also display human emotions. The avatar can be personalised, to how and what you want to be, people can see that and have a closer expierence with you.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 4 - Creativity to share

The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself (Quote by Alan Alda)
Art and creativity is not just linked to drawing, painting, music or writing. It can be anything that comes from the persons imagination. Creativity is not just randomly thinking of something either, it takes effort to learn the skills and not just to think of something new which is accomplished by learning about the world around us and intertwining it all together, but by practice and deliberate understanding of failure is not the end of creativity, but the beginning. Like Mary Lou Cook said "Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” Everyone has something creative they can give, not matter what form it may take, but whether we give it out of kindness to see more ideas develop or by getting money. Copyright has put restraints on those who wish to share there creativity, especially if a animation artist has put together an animation but cant do the music. There is now another option than having for pay for everything, this is known as creative commons. Creative commons allows the artist to distribute their work how they want to, the people who choose to make there creativity CC, they are agreeing to want to willingly share there work so someone else can get a smile or use it so they can produce something even bigger to make other people happy. Is there anything wrong with wanting to produce artwork just for the reason to make other people happy?

The programs most of use are controlled by big companies and how we use the programs are also limited. For example, I developed an animation with a program but it can only be viewed online through there website, it cant be downloaded to my personal computer. There is alternative to these big programs though, they are known as open source software. But what is this open source? It is "free" software for people to use, change and enhance the program so that it is more user friendly, stable and free. Open Source allows you to use programs how you want to. Here is an example of open source program I just found called Pencil: Traditional animation software I am positing the text from the "why" section on his website which tells us the reason why he developed this free software. The thing I want to note is he did this out of LOVE for drawing and creativeness and not for the money.
I have always loved animation. As a child, I tried to make some animation by drawing in notebooks but the result was somewhat unsatisfactory. Nowadays, computers make animation much easier. However, there is surprisingly almost no free cross-platform software for traditional animation.
I was lucky to find "Pencil Planner" by Patrick Corrieri, a little programme for pencil tests. I decided to improve it and use it as a basis to build a bitmap/vector animation program.

Pencil is not intended to mimick web-oriented vector-based animation software such as Flash. Its main purpose is to make traditional animation. Neither does it try to rival commercial software targetting the professional animation sector. Pencil is intended to be a simple programme enabling anyone to make 2D animation.

Click Here to visit Pencil website

Richard Stallman thought up the idea of the 4 freedoms. These freedoms give a creative, fresh outlook on using software.
- Freedom 0: The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
- Freedom 1: The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do
what you wish.
- Freedom 2: The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
- Freedom 3: The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and
modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole
community benefits.

The outlook completely free software looks utopian, but it is very much alive and can be freely distributed to anyone and everyone. Some open source services available are ;
Mozilla Firefox , Open Office, Linux. There is also open source computer games available! For a full list Click Here

My lovely fiance's name written in the clouds.

Here is a one minuted video with 999 individual frames. I used the Nintendo DSI system with the program Flipnote Studio from Hatena to create it. The music is CC by Ceili Moss. I do apologise that the video is so fast, but recording music can only go for 1 minute max. The short clip is about how creativity needs to be shared, not just sold, this is why the words in the animation is "Creativity is our passion, sharing makes us human". If everything cost money, than we wouldn't be able to support our own creative endeavours! Thank you for all the artists out there who distrubute their art whether it programs so we can use them, illustartions so we can understand and admire, photos so we can see and visualise, music so we can feel passion and motivate out works.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 3 - Social Media

[ Image retrieved from ]
Social media is a wayh people can communicate with eachother especially online. This online communication can be through programs and services such as Facebook, Myspace, America Online, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messanger. In the early 90's online social media was more based on discussion forums, so groups of people with similar interests could talk and discuss about a topic, even though this is defiantly still available, social media has turned to a egocentric and individual focus. The individual focus has moved away from disccussion forums and more on the individual person, how they present them selves and who is wanting to talk to them. This change has allowed people to experiment with online identities, by been able to represent themselves in a perfect and always at there best, or a completely different personality that they can experiment with. Sherry Turkle implied that what we put online is what we want to be known as. This approach is starting to look at more of an individual view, about the people who use the internet and how alot of it channels into the person. For example, lets use facebook and how your profile is about you and what you do with your life. Look at all the "cool" and exciting things I get up to and all these people I know. Now obviously that is not how everyone uses facebook, but if you were to look at peoples profiles it seems as though it is an athem and everyone is singing my that persons tune.


1.What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
he wore a gas mask to avoid hayfever.

I found this using BING

2.On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
They first communicated in 1969 in california

3.What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
His birth date is 28/10/1955 and sold his first software as microsoft (this was found using dog pile at culture base website)

4.Where was the World Wide Web invented?
It was invented by Berners-Lee and Cailliau at CERN. Info Found using BING.

5.How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?
The altair was first in 1975 with a Intel 8080A (rarely 8080), 2 MHz, 256 Bytes. This information was found at
. The power of computer now are can go up to gigs of ram and just are really reall powerful

6.What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
found at 8 lb 6 oz

7.When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?
In 1859, Queen Victoria signed Letters Patent, which declared that Queensland was now a separate colony from New South Wales. Queenslanders celebrate June 6 every year as Queensland Day, the day which marks the birth of Queensland as a self-governing colony. answer found at

8.What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?
It seemed as though there was no signigicant events on that day.

9.Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?
I found this on Bing and the reason why he will be remembered is because he had an affair with Teresa Guicciol, the wife of a nobleman. He was also a romantic poet. Information found at

10.What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name
Sirhan chapman plays in a brisbane band known as the Black asassins.


How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet?
They use what is known as the "page rank system". This is basically a popularity contest where website swith more links coming in deem it more important.
Found at;

who, or what, makes one page (that you might get in your search results) more useful than another one, so that it is put at the top of your search results?
Clicks and popularity

what are some of your favourite search engines? why do you like one more than others?
Google is my favourite. The reason google is my favourite is because it has other features with it. Like google scholar, google maps, google images etc. This allows it to be more universal, more stuff in the 1 place. Google is also a very fast search engine, it has limited title page images and has nearly always presented me with relelvant information to my topic being searched.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 2 - History of the internet

The internet didn't just happen, nor did computers just appear. From the beginning of computers there has been a long line of individuals who have contributed to the devlopment of the computer and the internet. Computers work on the same basic mathematical principles as calculators which way back in the 1700's used simple bead counting boards. So basically a computer is like a calculator! After computers were developed as early as 1940's, they went under many changes in size and shape. In the 60's and 70's companies distributed kit's for people to make computers, they were not already assembled. The people who put together computers were known as "computer hackers" which is different term to how we view the hackers now.

In 1966 the first 3 computers were linked together, this new form of communicating was distributed to buyers and the computers were learning and being programmed to communicate to eachother. But a few years later, in 1969 was when computers started to really take shape and their capabilities and complexities were improving rapidly. Frome 1969 We move to 1970 which was when arpanet was around. (It is important not to mix the internet with the world wide web, they are 2 different things. The world wide web is just part of the internet, like one of the "internets" capabilities). Arpanet was originally long text commands, these text commands would be typed into the computer which would tell the computer to do something, like if we were to use the mouse now. Here is a quick visual example of sending a file by code in visual basic which is a text command programming language.

Public Sub SendFile(SocketObject As Variant, ByVal FilePath As String, ByVal PacketSize As Long)
Dim lonFF As Long, bytData() As Byte
Dim lonCurByte As Long, lonSize As Long
Dim lonPrevSize As Long

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

lonSize = FileLen(FilePath)

Open FilePath For Binary Access Read As #lonFF

ReDim bytData(1 To PacketSize) As Byte

Do Until (lonSize - lonCurByte) < PacketSize
Get #lonFF, lonCurByte + 1, bytData()
lonCurByte = lonCurByte + PacketSize
SocketObject.senddata bytData()
( retrieved from BY digiRev ).

Than after just plain coding to use the computer, computers moved onto using mouses and simpler ways of interacting with intereacting and performing functions, especially home computers. In 1979 MUD's were developed, these are text based games where gameplay was by typing and reading rather than stunning visuals with seizure inducing lights. Also in 1979, usenet had email and message discussion systems where people could post topics and reply to topics about anything! Now commonly known as forums. 1982 showed the first emoticon which really started to show personality and individuality on computers :-) <-- Like that little fellow there. The last era to quickly note about was 1988 - the irc chat system! These are chat rooms where people can discuss topics about anything, in live time!

Computers are fascinating pieces of technology. It is interesting to learn where they came from and how we as a tech savvy generation, can play our part in either, using the internet for personal use, helping us understand it's culture and how it impacts our lives, or being really geeky and pushing the boundaries of the internet or computer technology.

Here is a picture of a text game. image retrieved from GOOGLE Images.

PART 1 of tute on DAY 2
Here is a video of the history of the internet that you may find of interest!

Part 2 of tute on DAY 2
Here are some questions I am going to answer;
How long have you been using these communication technologies?
I have been using new communication technologies now for about 10 years now. My first computer was with windows 3.1 and a dirty homer simpson mouse pad. I thought I was king, all that pixelated goodness in my cheese and tomato sauce filled room. Heres a thought, it's interesting to see how we have become so visually biased especially when it comes to video games. Is Space Invaders honestly not fun anymore?? I think they are...
Move = Left and Right arrow Key. Shoot = SpaceBar // Press I understand to play

Space Invaders made by Neave Games

What influenced you to start using these particular technologies? How did you find out about them?
It was the unknown that interested me and as an inquisitive young whipper snapper, I would learn not just to bite peoples ankles in the real world, but also on this screen in front of me! It was amazing to see computers and all the things you could do on them (limited compared now days)! I can't really remember how I discovered new communication technologies such as computers and mobile phones, I think I was always just asking "whats that!, whats that!" and eventually I pointed at a computer

Is privacy an issue for you when using new technologies? What do you think of companies like Facebook and Google who collect information about their users? (How do you deal with issues around privacy?)
Privacy is defiantly an issue, especially when you put your credit card information on the world wide web and when you see people humiliated at parties for being drunk, being teased online and an example like the star wars kid... >Click here who has been rediculed for just having some fun....
The companies that collect my personal information had better have some awesome security, but with most things they do let us know of some of the risks of singing up to there services and I believe people these days not everyone understands what they are getting themselves into when they interact online. My personal approach to many privacy issues is I just don't use services like facebook, my space and many of those other social networks, for me personally they aren't that interesting. But with other services like Ebay, I have to trust and hope that my information stays safe.

Do you have friends whom you know only from the internet and have never met in person? Is this different to people that you know in person? Describe the difference.
I have met people online before, however not through facebook but more online video games (X-Box live, MMORPG's, Gunz). The connections you develop with these people can be quite strong, especially when you are both running around fragging noobs together and just laughing all the time through the microphones. Usually talks I found are always very superficial. Real world friends though are there in mind body and spirit, people in the real world are "sharing" the expierence together. That doesn't mean online friends are bad, because sometimes we might be to nervous or shameful to open up to people in in the real world. But when opening up emotionally online, it is always advised to take great caution, especially if they can record you!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

DAY 1 - What you say is what I learn, but what I learn isn't the same as what you say

“The speaker produces a message and that message is heard by a listener" The basics of which the concept of communication can be understood. With this process of communication, people share information and from this information we teach others and learn from others. By learning and teaching we are actually benefiting our selves and our personal understanding of life and how to work life because information is passed on one person to another and we than apply it to our lives. We enjoy teaching, we also enjoy learning, the process of which this takes place is no longer just face to face, but via messages on a virtual network known as the internet. This internet communication is through videos, words, pictures and many other ways in which a "message" can be conveyed to the "listener". The interesting thing is that the "listener" will interpret the information that you presented to them and may not comprehend it in the way that the speaker intended. For example, let’s say the speaker was talking to the listener about building a bridge. The way that the information is presented is determined on the speakers association with the topic. Is the presenter of information an architect, engineer, a bridge enthusiast, a person who just drives over them with their vehicle. Each of these people will present the information to the listener in a different context, depending on their association and enthusiasm towards the subject. The same will go for the listener, am I learning about a bridge because I want to build one, if so how enthusiastic about the bridge am I. But an artist might want to know about the bridge so they can learn to implement it into art works or to how it may fall and break down when creating a story board. We may talk to many people on one topic, but that’s what makes one subject, so interesting

The major source of communication for my self is using videos that help me to understand the concepts of medicine and using my own art skills to understand life. Even though my art is not "online", the paper and pen is still technology that gives me the ability to extend my thoughts and understanding of complex subjects and how I understand them in an organic and original way. New communication technologies will vary from person to person, but the internet is defiantly a driving force that will allow an individual further extend their thoughts, skills and imagination across not just to one person, but across the world.