Sunday, November 22, 2009

DAY 1 - What you say is what I learn, but what I learn isn't the same as what you say

“The speaker produces a message and that message is heard by a listener" The basics of which the concept of communication can be understood. With this process of communication, people share information and from this information we teach others and learn from others. By learning and teaching we are actually benefiting our selves and our personal understanding of life and how to work life because information is passed on one person to another and we than apply it to our lives. We enjoy teaching, we also enjoy learning, the process of which this takes place is no longer just face to face, but via messages on a virtual network known as the internet. This internet communication is through videos, words, pictures and many other ways in which a "message" can be conveyed to the "listener". The interesting thing is that the "listener" will interpret the information that you presented to them and may not comprehend it in the way that the speaker intended. For example, let’s say the speaker was talking to the listener about building a bridge. The way that the information is presented is determined on the speakers association with the topic. Is the presenter of information an architect, engineer, a bridge enthusiast, a person who just drives over them with their vehicle. Each of these people will present the information to the listener in a different context, depending on their association and enthusiasm towards the subject. The same will go for the listener, am I learning about a bridge because I want to build one, if so how enthusiastic about the bridge am I. But an artist might want to know about the bridge so they can learn to implement it into art works or to how it may fall and break down when creating a story board. We may talk to many people on one topic, but that’s what makes one subject, so interesting

The major source of communication for my self is using videos that help me to understand the concepts of medicine and using my own art skills to understand life. Even though my art is not "online", the paper and pen is still technology that gives me the ability to extend my thoughts and understanding of complex subjects and how I understand them in an organic and original way. New communication technologies will vary from person to person, but the internet is defiantly a driving force that will allow an individual further extend their thoughts, skills and imagination across not just to one person, but across the world.

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