Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 4 - Creativity to share

The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself (Quote by Alan Alda)
Art and creativity is not just linked to drawing, painting, music or writing. It can be anything that comes from the persons imagination. Creativity is not just randomly thinking of something either, it takes effort to learn the skills and not just to think of something new which is accomplished by learning about the world around us and intertwining it all together, but by practice and deliberate understanding of failure is not the end of creativity, but the beginning. Like Mary Lou Cook said "Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” Everyone has something creative they can give, not matter what form it may take, but whether we give it out of kindness to see more ideas develop or by getting money. Copyright has put restraints on those who wish to share there creativity, especially if a animation artist has put together an animation but cant do the music. There is now another option than having for pay for everything, this is known as creative commons. Creative commons allows the artist to distribute their work how they want to, the people who choose to make there creativity CC, they are agreeing to want to willingly share there work so someone else can get a smile or use it so they can produce something even bigger to make other people happy. Is there anything wrong with wanting to produce artwork just for the reason to make other people happy?

The programs most of use are controlled by big companies and how we use the programs are also limited. For example, I developed an animation with a program but it can only be viewed online through there website, it cant be downloaded to my personal computer. There is alternative to these big programs though, they are known as open source software. But what is this open source? It is "free" software for people to use, change and enhance the program so that it is more user friendly, stable and free. Open Source allows you to use programs how you want to. Here is an example of open source program I just found called Pencil: Traditional animation software I am positing the text from the "why" section on his website which tells us the reason why he developed this free software. The thing I want to note is he did this out of LOVE for drawing and creativeness and not for the money.
I have always loved animation. As a child, I tried to make some animation by drawing in notebooks but the result was somewhat unsatisfactory. Nowadays, computers make animation much easier. However, there is surprisingly almost no free cross-platform software for traditional animation.
I was lucky to find "Pencil Planner" by Patrick Corrieri, a little programme for pencil tests. I decided to improve it and use it as a basis to build a bitmap/vector animation program.

Pencil is not intended to mimick web-oriented vector-based animation software such as Flash. Its main purpose is to make traditional animation. Neither does it try to rival commercial software targetting the professional animation sector. Pencil is intended to be a simple programme enabling anyone to make 2D animation.

Click Here to visit Pencil website

Richard Stallman thought up the idea of the 4 freedoms. These freedoms give a creative, fresh outlook on using software.
- Freedom 0: The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
- Freedom 1: The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do
what you wish.
- Freedom 2: The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
- Freedom 3: The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and
modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole
community benefits.

The outlook completely free software looks utopian, but it is very much alive and can be freely distributed to anyone and everyone. Some open source services available are ;
Mozilla Firefox , Open Office, Linux. There is also open source computer games available! For a full list Click Here

My lovely fiance's name written in the clouds.

Here is a one minuted video with 999 individual frames. I used the Nintendo DSI system with the program Flipnote Studio from Hatena to create it. The music is CC by Ceili Moss. I do apologise that the video is so fast, but recording music can only go for 1 minute max. The short clip is about how creativity needs to be shared, not just sold, this is why the words in the animation is "Creativity is our passion, sharing makes us human". If everything cost money, than we wouldn't be able to support our own creative endeavours! Thank you for all the artists out there who distrubute their art whether it programs so we can use them, illustartions so we can understand and admire, photos so we can see and visualise, music so we can feel passion and motivate out works.

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