Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 8 -Censorship and File Sharing

Image by:Moggs OceanLane

The Australian government wants to censor the internet by a scheme known as Clean Feed. This basically means that the government chooses what we can and cant see, almost like suppression of certain information. This may be problematic especially for those who study medicine, what if we want to study the reproductive systems? will that be blocked if I type in genital anatomy or vagina/penis anatomy. The concept of censorship is trying to fix a social problem via technology barring. If the government is trying to reduce crime on illegal content, it should be tackled at the source by putting more money into the police forces and do more ground work. If the clean feed was to pass it would enforce it by blocking URL links. This URL blocking system will have a few noticeable down points;
[1] How will they protect the list from leaking out?
[2] It will slow the internet down.
[3] will not be able to study some important parts of medicine and patient care

An alternative thought is maybe they could subsidies a program like NetNanny, or even educate concerned internet users with free parental control software.

FILE SHARING Image by:Hamed Saber on Flickr
The next topic was File Sharing. Whether creators like it or not, anything that we create will most likely create will find it's way on the internet. Even if you created a picture and sold it, the chances are that the buyer will take a picture and put it on the internet and with modern technology, the images are getting clearer and represent the original piece quite well. Copyright laws are like building a fence around some rabbits, keeping the information solely for your purpose if anyone wants to use it, they must pay. This in it's self is not a bad thing, especially if this is how some creators make their living, how ever some distributors take most of the money and leave the creators quite poor. There are ways out of this, like being your own distributor by using programs on your website like shopping carts of even try selling it on eBay which only takes a small percentage. As the internet and computers continue to develop and technology getting more advanced, people can no longer really withhold information, one way or another, creative practices will most probably become online for the world to see. Whether this is a good for society and individuals only time will tell. But I do believe in sharing our creative practices with the world for all to see, use, grow and build on.

How does it make you feel?
There is obvious mixed emotions about it. I do know of this style of art though, where anything, or is it everything, maybe I'm nothing kind of mentality plays in this particular art. It's very out there, it is also alot of fun to create, as I use to make many things along the lines of weird and extremely eccentric. So it is stranger.

What does it makes you think about?
It makes me think about "is this the future of art"? If so, will it enhance our ability to think creatively and have a sense of wonder or not? But also, it is good to have something different out there. It's very modern and contemporary.

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?
If we accept that Jason's works are poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?
If we are to accept this as digital poetry, you need to listen to the sounds or the noises being made and alot to do with the images and matching the images. It's quite strange and I do wonder if the works requires alot of deep thought, planning and study or just mish mash.

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